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Stay Away® Mosquitoes Review: My Silly Little Gang Gets Rid of Mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are bad enough, but if you’re prone to infection, preventing mosquito bites is even more important! That’s why Sylvie, the blogger behind My Silly Little Gang, is the perfect person to tell you about Stay Away Mosquitoes.

Stay Away Mosquitoes® not only protects you from unsightly, itchy bites, but also from more serious diseases that mosquitoes may transmit – including ZIKA, West Nile virus, Chikungunya and Dengue, and also from ticks that may transmit Lyme Disease. This fast-acting and long-lasting insect repellent gives you 14-hour highly effective protection from mosquitoes and ticks, and repels biting flies, gnats and chiggers for up to 8 hours. Based on a 2016 report, out of 600 internet users who’ve used insect repellents in the past 12 months, 57% indicated that they most typically use repellents at outdoor events like picnics or block parties, and 48% indicated that they use them any time they are outdoors.

Read the full review here:  EarthKind Stay Away Mosquitoes Spray Review

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