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Dangers Associated with Rat Poison

Rats can cause extensive damage to property. Rats can carry diseases and parasites. Most people choose to use lethal pesticides to rid their homes and properties of rodents. Before you decide to use this method, consider the dangers associated with rat poison.

Risk to Children

Leaving bait traps or containers with rat poison in areas occupied by children can lead to disastrous results. Children are naturally curious; an unfamiliar object can attract their attention. Some rat poison comes in the shape of pellets, which looks like candy to children.

Even worse, the rat poison tastes sweet, giving children more reason to try it. Incidents involving children eating rat poison have increased 40% over the past ten years.

Risk to Pets

There is a large risk that your family pet will try to eat rat poison that is left unattended. Pets can often reach objects that you believe are difficult to reach. There is always the chance that your pet will find the rat poison that you thought was well hidden.

Health Risks of Dead Rats

There are two types of rat poison:  anticoagulant and non-anticoagulant. Anticoagulant rat poison, such as those made with warfarin, brodificoum, or bromadiolone, works by causing internal bleeding in rats. This type of rat poison usually takes two to six days to kill a rat. Non-anticoagulant rat poisons are usually made with zinc phosphide, bromethalin or cholecalciferon, and often kill rats within a few hours.

Rat poison does not kill rats instantly, allowing them to travel back to their hiding places. Sometimes this means they die inside your walls, causing a terrible odor. This also means that you need to remove the dead rat. Handling rodents increases your risk for contracting any number of diseases that the rats are carrying.

Fresh Cab® is a Safe Alternative to Rat Poison

Fresh Cab® Rodent Repellent is a way to get rid of rats and other rodents without using poison. There are no health or safety issues associated with Fresh Cab when used as directed.  You can use it around children and pets with no worries. Place the patented flow-through pouches on a surface or hang them near areas that rats use as entrances.

The active ingredient in Fresh Cab is balsam fir needle essential oil. The inactive ingredients include corn cob chips and a mixture of more essential oils, including oils extracted from lemons, grapefruits, Spanish rosemary, and lavender. The fragrance of this botanical rodent repellent is pleasant to humans, but causes rats to leave the area.

Labeled Safe and Effective by EPA

Fresh Cab has the distinction of being the only plant-based rodent repellent recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as safe and effective when used as directed. EPA registration requires extensive testing, so you can be assured that Fresh Cab is a quality product.

You can keep your family and pets safe and protect the environment by using Fresh Cab, a 98% biodegradable botanical rodent repellent, to get rid of rats.

Learn more about DIY Pest Prevention for Mice & Rodents