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This Old House Recommends Rodent Repellent

About one in three homeowners know the frustration and challenges of having a mouse in the house. Mice are small and sneaky, but they can cause a major headache! Between the chewing, gnawing, scratching and squeaking, a little mouse can keep you up all night, but what’s even more concerning is the health risk from rodent related diseases.

FCSinglePouch1.jpgOf course, no one wants to put up with a mouse infestation, but trying to figure out the best way to get rid of mice can seem almost as difficult. Thankfully, This Old House gives you expert advice about everything you need to know when it comes to preserving the good and preventing the rest around your home. Naturally, Fresh Cab® rodent repellent was included in their recent discussion about how to get rid of mice.

Watch the full clip here:  How to Choose a Mouse Trap