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How to Keep Spiders Out of Closets & Clothes

Imagine opening up the door of your closet to grab that pretty blouse you’ve been waiting for the perfect occasion to wear. You spot it on a back hanger and reach out your hand to grab it. Your hand is just an inch away before you see that frightening sight — a spider hanging out on your favorite shirt. Believe it or not, closets happen to be one of their favorite hiding places.

Storage areas with dark crevices provide great living conditions for arachnids. If you’ve already spotted the creepy crawlers in your space or want to proactively keep them out, there are natural techniques that could help. We go over different house spider control methods to keep these pests away from your wardrobe. 

How to Keep Spiders Out of Closets & Clothes
Imagine opening up the door of your closet to grab that pretty blouse you’ve been waiting for the perfect occasion to wear. You spot it on a back hanger and reach out your hand to grab it. Your hand is just an inch away before you see that frightening sight — a spider hanging out on your favorite shirt. Believe it or not, closets happen to be one of their favorite hiding places.

spider walking over clothes in the closet

Why Do They Hide in Closets?

Knowing how spiders got into your closet and why they are staying there will help with understanding how to keep them away. 

  • Spiders may have been brought in through an article of clothing or a shoebox that was purchased and then stored in the closet. If you moved boxes from your basement into your closet when switching out seasonal clothing, they may have been hiding in the boxes. Basement areas are a prime spot for these pests due to increased moisture. Spiders attach themselves to items and are transported without us even realizing it. They can attach themselves from anywhere you and they meet…a chair, a vehicle, a tree, etc.
  • A spider’s prime living conditions may be in abundance in your closet. They prefer dark and quiet environments to build their spiderwebs and catch their prey. Piles of clothing also provide a quiet place for them to lay their egg sacs which can turn into an even larger problem. Keeping a clean closet and frequently inspecting the space will significantly reduce your chances of finding these pests living there. It also helps if the area is not drafty. 
  • Your closet may be catering to their taste buds. If your closet is home to a plethora of barely visible insects, harboring in stacked cardboard boxes and piles of clothes, this provides spiders with a food source to survive. Keeping a tidy and clean storage space will help your chances of having a spider-free environment.

Whatever the reason these creepy crawlers are sharing your shirt sleeve, once you notice them, it’s time to start working towards getting rid of them. 

How to Get Rid of Spiders in Closets

Graphic that says "Spiders Taking up Shelter in Your Closet?"

The first step to getting rid of spiders in your closet is to declutter and deep clean the entire space. If possible, remove your clothes from the area and clean them to get rid of any spiders or egg sacs that may be residing in them. Once the space is cleared, it’s time to start cleaning every inch. This includes vacuuming the entire space, dusting everywhere from the shelves to the baseboards, and knocking down any webs. 

When you put your clothes back into the space, organization is key. Avoid piling up clothes and cardboard boxes on the floors or shelves, and instead, place these items in airtight containers to keep these pests from returning.

Next, look for any entry points into your home. Check for gaps and cracks near doors, windows, under cabinets, and near wires, and seal them with caulk. Look around the outside of your home, too. Woodpiles, foliage, and anything else leaning against your home is likely to harbor spiders that will eventually make their way into your home.

Prevention is Key

Spiders play a big role in our ecosystem so it’s important to prevent them using a no-kill method. To help avoid future spider infestations, consider using a botanical pest control method. There are many DIY solutions that homeowners often try such as laying down citrus peels from lemons and oranges, using essential oils on cotton balls, or creating spray bottle solutions using eucalyptus or peppermint oil. Those options can work for some people, but those methods can be difficult to maintain because they are messy and require constant reapplication to work. 

Stay Away® Spiders is a plant-based spider deterrent that uses a combination of essential oils and other plant-based ingredients and is guaranteed to keep these pests away. These pouches can be used in closets, basements, attics, windowsills, and other indoor areas where cobwebs or spiders are noticed. Just place a couple of pouches on either side of a closet and replace them as needed. There’s no mess, no harmful chemicals or pesticides, and there’s a 100% money-back guarantee!

If you have a spider problem in other areas of your home, learn about other potential ways to get rid of them.  

Stay Away Spiders pouch sitting on wooden tray