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The 5 Rights Of A Manager as Adapted by EarthKind

Being a really good manager, and having a really good manager is critical to the sucess of any company with a mission to do great things.

I find it’s the #1 thing day-in and day-out that will improve our employees overall job satisfaction & performance, next to their doing important and meaningful work that gets appreciated.               

Personally, I have worked harder to improve how I manage people than any other single thing in my business. The top include a BS in Mgmt. from America’s Leadership University, 6 months of consulting with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes, membership in Vistage #3133, and reading over 300 books on the subject (my favorites come from Patrick Lencioni & John Maxwell)

I have the great pleasure to say it’s worked. Our business is beating all the odds –  because all our people are beating the odds!

So, I’d like to share with my student blog readers this tool that can remove up to 90% of the conflict between employees and managers, and lead a good company to greatness if practiced!

                                The 5 Rights of a Manger

The Right to Set Clear Expectations

Spell out exactly what you want from your staff – clearly & concisely without buzz terms!

    • Be impeccable with your word. Say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against anyone, yourself, or to gossip.
    • Use the power of your word to communicate with your staff as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, or drama. If you don’t allow this, they won’t either.
    • Ask questions and express what you really want from them. Don’t ever assume your employee understands, or vice versa. When people make an assumption, they misunderstand, sometimes end up taking it personally, and often end up creating a whole drama for nothing.

The Right to Expect Top Performance

Let your employees know that you expect their best work, day in and day out.

Don’t all managers expect top performance? Not really. Many are reluctant to articulate what top performance looks like and how to achieve it. Managers will accept inefficiencies rather than confront an employee’s performance issues.

Simply put, you get what you tolerate, and you can only get what you measure and clarify. When you depend on a vehicle, you know it’s important to check under the hood regularly.  See his blog at

The Right to Effect Change

Invest time in developing the strengths and mitigating the weaknesses of your employees.

Often, managers give up trying to change their employee’s behaviors to achieve success. While you may not be able to change a person’s basic nature, you can examine what’s happening – or not happening- in terms of performance. Some common weaknesses that can be coached toward strength are: organization, knowledge/skills/ability, stress, and clarity regarding goals and direction.

 Encourage top performance:

  • Outline specific behavioral expectations
  • Provide the employee with all the resources they need
  • Conduct regular performance conversations with the employee
  • Match the employee’s skills to the best jobs and tasks for them
  • Encourage them to be the architect of their part of the organization

The Right to Introduce Employees To A Better Future

If the employee is not right for the job, and can’t be utilized effectively in another position, then discontinue their employment. They usually want to quit, well before employers find out.

If there is a lack of necessary skills, or a mismatch with company culture, the time must come to say “no’ to continuing employment.

Before doing so, make sure you’ve taken the appropriate steps, Follow the discipline policy in the handbook. Make sure the probation memo lists the specific outcomes the person must produce to keep their job. If not met, terminate the employee with respect and dignity – always.

The Right to Make Mistakes (and Fix Them)

As a good manager, you have the right to make mistakes, admit them and fix them.

No one knows every correct action for every situation. It’s okay to make mistakes. When you do make one, you’ll earn your employees respect and trust if you admit it first, then fix it.

The above was adapted from Visage #3133 speakers , books, and mentors. I hope you find “The 5 Rights of A Manager” as transformational as EarthKind has. Kari

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